Tag Archives: Flavone

Passionflower extract – emollient with moisturizing and refreshing properties. Depending on the type of plant, the extract may have a different effect: soothe, protect the skin or act as a conditioner. There are four main types of passion fruit that are used in cosmetics: granadilla purple (Passiflora edulis), passionflower incarnate (Passiflora incarnáta), yellow granadilla (Passiflora […]

The dandelion (Taraxacum officinale Weber) is a plant whose medicinal use is documented since the beginning of the eleventh century, through the writings of Persian doctors of such deserved fame as Ibn Sina, better known as Avicenna, and his predecessor Al-Razi or Razí, to whom the current “Razi Medical Research Institute”, located near Tehran (Iran), […]