The world of beauty products Hyaluronic Acid keeps expanding by the day; to the extent that the endless number of skincare commodities with their mixed ingredients confuses the general customer. While we often pile up unessential but trendy items to conform to the set standards of ‘beautiful’, little do we realize that checking the composition of such items is of extreme importance.

Hyaluronic Acid

The hype over hyaluronic acid

You have often come across the polymer named ‘hyaluronic acid’. A vital component of the skin that is produced by the fibroblast skin cells, the loss of it is inevitable as we keep aging. It is because of this that most beauty products, including cosmetics, contain a certain percentage of it to control the process of aging. Frankly, skin starts losing its elasticity after the 20s, but the after-effects are generally noticed with wrinkles, and skin damage due to UV rays exposure after the late 30s and early 40s. Keeping in mind this factor, scientists, dermatologists, skincare specialists, beauticians, and cosmetologists stress retaining the suppleness and youthfulness of the skin as early as possible. Naturally, the need for hyaluronic acid surfaces in this regard as its moisturizing and plumping action softens the skin.

Sodium hyaluronateMakeup and Functions of HA

Hyaluronic acid or HA is a natural compound called ‘glycosaminoglycan’ that holds onto the skin’s moisture, even aiding in repairing tissues, and cells- elastin and collagen to be specific, and acting as a protection against microorganisms. Being one of the most important components of the tissue named extra-cellular matrix, it is distributed throughout the body in neural, epithelial, and connective tissues. So, apart from its role in skin protection, HA is beneficial to joints and bones as well.
The average human body stores approximately 15 grams of HA or ‘hyaluronan’. A third of it is synthesized almost every day. When it comes to skin health, there is a unique ability to hold moisture (which is about 1000 ml of water per gram of hyaluronic acid). So, it’s termed a ‘smart nutrient’ for adjusting to the moisture absorption rate based on humidity is very natural.

Role as creams, serums

In contrast to collagen, HA can penetrate the topmost layer of the skin, and that brings significant improvement in skin elasticity. As it aids in tissue repair and acts as a protective shield, so when applied topically, like in creams and serums, the acid creates a permeable layer where it reaches the dermis to boost skin hydration. When the moisture is locked, naturally the skin looks glowing and youthful.
When choosing any serum or cream containing hyaluronic aid, consumers must pay special attention to the fact it’s derived from a vegan source and does not contain alcohol, sulfates, or parabens.

Rendering protection from the sun

Both men and women now realize the need to protect the skin against the harmful UVA and UVB rays of the sun. Sufficient damage is caused to the skin, with cases of patchiness, dull skin, sunspots, and other related problems reported frequently. Hyaluronic acid is a must in these circumstances for the removal of discoloration or skin aging signs, only if the serum or cream is applied regularly.

Role as supplements

Often people take HA in the form of oral supplements and choose not to go for topical creams. This is important to those who require substantial production of collagen, one of the most important proteins in the body. If the skin structure is deformed, the appearance of wrinkles, sunspots, and discoloration is evident for the body’s collagen has reduced significantly. For this reason, there must be adequate levels of collagen, which can only be synthesized by hyaluronic acid. From anti-aging benefits to the retention of skin suppleness, there is a tremendous benefit when HA is taken as a pill or supplement.
As stressed earlier, beautifying the skin by merely applying over-the-counter and unessential products isn’t enough. To replenish the lost moisture, keeping oneself hydrated by drinking 8-10 glasses of water is important. So as the hyaluronic acid content keeps diminishing in the body, the water will help make up for it. And to add to it the nutritional supplements- healthy joints are no longer a distant dream!