The monk fruit(Momordica Grosvenorii extract) is a herbaceous vine of the gourd family that is native to Northern Thailand and Southern China. Locally known as luo han guo, its extract is said to have been in use for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine as a natural remedy for common afflictions. The name ‘monk fruit’ came from the myth that ancient Buddhist monks were among the first to cultivate this fruit and use it for its medicinal value. The fruit has a unique sweet taste and is commonly used as a substitute for sugar.

Now recent studies into the potential beneficial effects of the Momordica Grosvenorii extract have led to the understanding that it may have properties that can effectively deal with dry or sore throat and cough. It has been traditionally used in soups or to make herbal tea. Here are the few common ailments that the Momordica Grosvenorii provides relief from.

Dry Cough

A dry cough is a condition when a person coughs due to itching at the back of the throat but there is no mucus. It can be caused due to several reasons such as the common cold or viral infections. Infections are the most common cause of dry cough and may lead to other complications. A dry cough can last for weeks or sometimes just a few days. While it lasts, dry cough is very irritating and taxing not only on the throat but also on the body. Medicines sold over the counter provide only temporary relief from dry cough with added side effects.

Tea made from the Momordica Grosvenorii extract can be drunk twice to get relief from a dry cough. The relief is temporary but without the side effects of the drugs present in commercial medicines. The tea also helps to soothe the throat. The anti-inflammatory properties of the extract further relieve swelling of the inner walls of the throat that get irritated by excessive coughing. However, if symptoms persist it is recommended to check with a licensed doctor.

Sore Throat

A sore throat from too much coughing or otherwise is also a very common annoyance that can persist for more than a day. Symptoms of a sore throat include brittleness, dryness, and swelling of the larynx’s inner walls. Freshly brewed tea from an infusion of monk fruit extract, lemon, and ginger helps in relieving a sore throat. Traditional Chinese medicine recommends drinking tea made from Momordica Grosvenorii extract at least twice a day to get its benefits.

Pills made from the extract may also alleviate three symptoms of a sore throat but there is not enough evidence to confirm this claim. Some people believe that the pills do work but the tea is much more effective than the pill.


The extract from the Momordica Grosvenorii had been used as a natural temporary remedy for asthma. Though it does not cure asthma, it is said to ease the symptoms making the disease more bearable. Certain active chemical compounds present in the monk fruit are capable of neutralizing the negative effects of asthma with the help of other chemical compounds. Research in this area is still ongoing. The extract, when tested on mice in laboratories, showed considerable beneficial effects that can be of help to asthma patients.

Bronchitis is the inflammation of the inner lining of your bronchial tube. Bronchitis can either be acute or chronic. It is said that in Chinese folk medicine, the extract from Momordica Grosvenorii was used to treat people suffering from bronchitis. The anti-inflammatory property of the fruit helps to deal with inflammation and swelling caused due to bronchitis.


The Momordica Grosvenorii extract also contains anti-oxidants that are immensely helpful in cleansing the metabolic system and keeping the body healthy and fresh. A healthy metabolic system helps to maintain the ideal body mass index (BMI). A BMI of over 30 is an indication of obesity. The extract does not directly help to reduce obesity. It acts as a catalyst that improves the metabolic circulation of the body which in turn promotes healthy habits. Unhealthy eating habit is the major cause of obesity.


The supposed benefits of the extract of the monk fruit are various but clinical research is yet to be conducted on it. So far in vitro and animal studies have shown the possible benefits of this extract. However, the Momordica Grosvenorii extract has found widespread use in traditional Chinese medicinal practices.

Momordica Grosvenorii Extract