What is monk fruit juice concentrate and how does it work?

Monk fruit juice concentrate is made from monk fruit which is sweet and also recognized as luo han guo, the common name is Siraitia grosvenorii. Monk fruit is small and round in shape and native to southern China. This fruit has been used as a medicine for colds and digestive aid for ages in eastern areas and now it is very famous as a part of sweet foods that are made from it. It is also used to prepare beverages.

Monk fruit juice concentrate is made by removing the skin and seeds of the fruit, severe the fruit, and accumulating the juice. The extracted juice concentrate has zero calories and helps in fighting many diseases. This fruit concentrate is permitted to be made in beverages and foods by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

The compound from monk fruit that gets its sweetness is called mogrosides which has a structure similar to a backbone known as mogrol. This structure has glycosides and glucose attached to it. The metabolism process of mogroside in humans is as similar as in animals. In animals, mogroside does not absorb the upper gastrointestinal tract which means it does not contribute to increasing calories in the body and it works the same in the human body. When mogroside reaches the colon, colonial microbes smite off the molecules of glucose and use them as a source of energy. Some metabolite and mogrol are then excreted primarily from the tract of the intestine and on the other hand, a small amount of this is absorbed by the blood in the bloodstream and excretes out of the body in urine.

Monk fruit concentrate is 150 to 200 times sweeter and has fewer calories than the common sugar that adds sweetness to beverages and food. The fruit concentrate is used in beverages and foods like dairy products, desserts, juices, condiments, and candies. Monk fruit is stable at a high temperature which is why it is used in baking goods. The appearance of the foods and beverages is different from the ones that are made from common sugar. Monk fruit is low in calories and high in sweetness which is why a very small amount of it adds to the preparation of the food and beverages.

Is Monk fruit juice concentrate safe for consumption? 

Monk fruit juice concentrate is safe to consume and permitted to be used in the making of beverages by the FDA in 2010, a class which entails specialists accord that a food component is safe for its planned use. The government of many countries has also accomplished that monk fruit juice concentrate are safe for everyone including old age, children, pregnant women, and patients suffering from diabetes. According to research, an amount less than 100 is safe even f you are consuming monk fruit concentrate and for it, ADI (acceptable daily intake) has not yet been recognized as unsympathetic effects have not been confirmed.

Who can take Monk Fruit juice concentrate? 

  1. It is beneficial for pregnant and lactating women. 

It is beneficial for lactating women and pregnant women as women either pregnant or lactating must take proper nutrition for the proper growth of the baby. No available study has scrutinized the likely belongings of monk fruit juice concentrate on lactating, pregnant women, and progeny when animals were bare to a very high stage of mogroside every solo day over a long age of time.

  1. It is good for patients suffering from diabetes. 

Monk fruit juice concentrate is beneficial for patients suffering from diabetes as it has zero calories and helps maintain sugar levels in the bloodstream. Products that are made from monk fruit juice concentrate are good in taste as it has 150-200 times more sweetness than the ordinary sugar used by the people and also have zero amounts of calories and very less amount of carbohydrate. Monk fruit concentrate does not raise the sugar level in the blood. In 2018, the American diabetes association standards of Medical Care in diabetes affirmed that “The utilization of non-nutritive concentrates might have the prospective to diminish in general carbohydrate and calorie ingestion if alternated for the sugar concentration and with no return by ingestion of extra calories from the other source of foods.
