People are becoming more conscious about their food supplements, especially those that can help in lose weight tremendously. In regards to weight loss supplements, natural foods are highly recommended as they are rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals that have various health benefits such as slowing down the aging process and stimulating health-boosting properties.

Here are some of the natural foods good for weight loss as well as ensuring optimal health.

  • Blueberries

These tasty small berries are a good source of antioxidants. They are rich in flavonoids and oilgomeric proanthocyandins which help sharpen memory and intelligence. An effective addition to any weight loss program, they taste better and are usually used in pancakes or muffins.

  • Broccoli

Broccoli has a plentitude of health-protecting stuff. It contains isothiocyanates which help in motivating the production of cancer-fighting enzymes. It is rich in calcium and vitamin C and additionally, it also contains Vitamin A in an excess amount just like other fruits and vegetables. Taking it raw might taste bitter but can benefit your health greatly. If you don’t want to eat it raw then prefer steaming it better before rolling it through a salad.

  • Ginger

It has been used for centuries as an essential element of some common medicines. Its medicinal properties help prevent cancer as well as strengthen the immune system. It keeps your body away from infections and also accelerates the production rate of digestive enzymes. It is one of the cheapest, easily available natural weight loss supplements that boost the level of metabolism and reduce fat significantly. It can treat nausea and is completely safe for pregnant women. Ginger is also a popular remedy for nausea, making it a safe natural choice for pregnant women. Some people love taking it as a ginger tea with honey.

  • Linseeds

These are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which can reduce cholesterol in a short period. These are best known for their anti-cancer properties but they also effectively control menopausal symptoms. They are capable of intestine health and placid digestion. Only a tablespoon of linseeds a day is sufficient to give you the needed amount of omega-3 fats. You can also strew them over your food or soup. It can be easily stored in the common refrigerator.

  • Oats

Oats are generally recommended in every weight loss program. It can improve intestine health and massively lower cholesterol levels. Oats contain soluble fiber that is perfect to boost your body.

  • Salmon

It is an incredible source of omega-3 fats, protein, and vitamin D. If you have ever attended any of the weight loss programs then you must have heard that taking salmon twice a week can reduce fat at a big level. If any leftover calories are not burnt are turned into fat and salmon works to burn this fat and reduce weight. It can be easily combined with your daily food, salad, and patties too.

  • Soy

Soy is rich in antioxidant isoflavones which help in obstructing the formation of cholesterol in blood vessels, preventing the risk of heart attack and blood clotting. It is also good for preventing osteoporosis and improving bone health. You must take soy in a pure form, not the modified one. The best way of taking soy is using soy milk in cereals and fruits.

  • Tea

Many types of research and studies have proved that the influential antioxidant polyphenols in tea lower the risk of cancers and also control cholesterol levels. Additionally, taking tea regularly helps control the stress hormone cortisol. Antioxidant-rich green tea is also best for weight loss. All teas contain polyphenols and hence all have the potential to reduce fat.

  • Tomatoes

Tomatoes can be a versatile ingredient that has several health-boosting properties such as being low in calories good for reducing weight, and rich in antioxidants lowering the risk of prostate cancer and chronic diseases. The substance ‘lycopene’ is excessively found in tomatoes and therefore fights against damaging free radicals. It can be easily incorporated into the sauce, salad, and some other recipes.

Make sure you incorporate all of these suggested foods for weight loss into your weekly weight loss eating plan and enjoy the improved energy level and infinite health benefits.