Zeaxanthin is an essential pigment that is produced by the plants that produce fruits and vegetables. It is a great antioxidant and produces lots of beneficial health effects. The best-known effect of Zeaxanthin is it protects the eyes.

Work as an Important Antioxidant
Zeaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant; it defends the body against free radicals. If we pay attention to the free radicals they are responsible for damaging the healthy cells of the body and enhancing the aging process, or diseases like heart disease, cancer, type-2 diabetes mellitus, or Alzheimer’s disease. Zeaxanthin gives protection to the body’s proteins, and fats as well as DNA. It also protects the body against stressors and recycles glutathione (another important antioxidant in the body). Bad LDL cholesterol effect is reduced by the antioxidant properties thus reducing the risk of plaque formation in the arteries lower the appearance of heart disease. Zeaxanthin protects the eyes from free radicals. The eyes are generally exposed to the external environment like oxygen and the sun, which aid in the production of oxygen-free radicals. but when the human body has a good amount of Zeaxanthin it protects the eye from the free radicals. They work by clearing the free radicals from the eye.

Food Sources for Zeaxanthin
Zeaxanthin pigment causes a bright color in vegetables and fruits. But it is mainly found in green leafy vegetables. The interesting fact behind the green color of vegetables is that chlorophyll masks both lutein and Zeaxanthin or causes the green color of the vegetables. Sources for these cartons are;

Kale, spinach, broccoli, parsley, orange juice, melon, red peppers, squash, and grapes. Egg also has a storehouse for lutein and Zeaxanthin, the absorption of these two nutrients is increased by the high fat content in the yolk. Fats are known for the increased absorption of Zeaxanthin and lutein. You can take advantage of these two antioxidants by adding them to your diet, which is an excellent idea.

They Support Eye Health
When you consume the Zeaxanthin or other carotenoids, they accumulate in the retina, in the particular region of the macula which is situated in the back of your eye. Due to their concentrated amount in the macular region, they are called macular pigments. The essential art for vision in the eye is the macula. Zeaxanthin works by providing antioxidant properties and giving protection against free radicals. The macula is essential for vision. Lutein and zeaxanthin work as important antioxidants in this area by protecting your eyes from harmful free radicals. experts said that degradation in the amount of these antioxidants can impair eye health. Zeaxanthin absorbs the excess light and works as a sun blocker for the eyes.

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD): Zeaxanthin Consumption protects the eyes from Age-related macular degeneration.

Cataracts: Cataracts cause cloudy patches in the front of the eyes. But food rich in carotenoids or Zeaxanthin can slow down their formation.

Diabetic retinopathy: In animal diabetes studies, it is proved that supplementing with zeaxanthin can destroy the oxidative process and save the eye cells from damage.

Eye detachment: When Zeaxanthin injection is given to the Rats with eye detachment shows 54% fewer chances of death than the rats that were injected with the corn oil

Uveitis: this condition is accompanied by the inflammation of the middle layer of the eye. zeaxanthin reduces the extent of the inflammation process.
However, despite the benefits, Zeaxanthin also shows the risk for the development of age-related macular degeneration.

Side effects of Zeaxanthin
However, it is overall safe but produces skin yellowing sometimes.

zeaxanthin is widely recommended as a dietary supplement due to its better protection against eye disease. It is usually sourced from the marigold and then mixed with the waxes. These pigments can form synthetically. These supplements are especially popular among older adults who are concerned about failing eye health.

Although a low level of Zeaxanthin Is responsible for producing age-related macular degeneration, its high levels protect the eyes from free radical disease. Supplements with Zeaxanthin, have overall health benefits by improving the antioxidant status in the body and reducing the level of stressors in the body
