Tag Archives: mulberry leaf extract

Mulberry fruit extract is an excellent source of nutrients and vitamins. It believes that a single cup of mulberry fruit extract contains only 60 calories with numerous health benefits. The fewer calorie consumption makes it light, tasty, and a healthy option to choose from. It is a perfect option for treating your body with the […]

What is Mulberry Leaf? The mulberry leaf is the dried leaf of the Morus alba L. plant of the Moraceae family of plants. There are several species of mulberry bushes, including Chinese white mulberry. In China, the white mulberry bush is well known for its cultivation as food for silkworms. In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), […]

The usage of Mulberry leaf extract contains certain beneficial facts which cannot be denied. The Mulberry leaves are used in countries like China, Korea, and Japan to feed the silkworms which was a traditional practice. But in modern days, scientists have proved that these petty mulberry leaves contain great medicinal values. Here are a few […]

Mulberry leaf extract has a very reputed history in European and Chinese herbal medicines. Mulberry leaf can be found in many areas of China and Europe. At first, the Mulberry leaf extract became a part of Chinese herbs. And the Mulberry leaf extract contributed a lot to the reputation of Chinese herbs. The Mulberry leaf […]

Mulberry resources are rich in China, which is the distribution center of the world’s resources. There are 30 kinds of Moraceae Morus plants around the world, China accounted for half, the world country with the largest mulberry varieties. Mulberry leaf is native to central China, about four thousand years of history of cultivation, cultivation of […]