The Chicoric acid of chicory plant is known to provide numerous benefits that have been useful for centuries. While the leaves of the plant are used as a salad during the celebrations, the roots act as a liver and blood cleanser. In modern times, the ground roasted tap roots are still there and used as a substitute for flavoring the coffee. Chicory roots are also one of the richest insulin sources, a complex that is indigestible sugar, and a good source of soluble fiber as well.

By the era of the 20th century, researchers started to identify the Chicoric acid that is found in the Chicoric leaves. It was found to successfully fight viruses. However, the benefits were not over here. At that time, there was little interest in the medicinal benefits of chicoric acid and people assumed it to be God’s gift in the form of blue flowers.

Recent research which is focused on a new class of HIV drugs called integrase inhibitors can provide a forum for Chicoric-cyclic acid, in particular, to finally show their true worth. Unlike other HIV drugs that work by killing cells and, in turn, patients are very sick; integrase inhibitors block the enzymes that allow the virus to invade cells and “integrate” their DNA with DNA in the cells. If this entry is avoided for HIV, then AIDS is prevented. A group of biologically active chemicals, including Chicoric acid, chlorogenic acid, and caffeic acid, inconsistently block the enzymes.

However, it is known that much closer to homes, such as chicory, echinacea (Echinacea spp.), Horsetail (Equisetum arvense), and pear leaves and fruit plants contain significant amounts of cyclic acid. The most readily available concentrated source of cichoric acid is echinacea, a biological relative of chicory.

Cichoric acid is a little bit soluble in water but is not easily absorbed by the body. To use echinacea products, it is important to use at least the dose recommended by the manufacturer. Also, echinacea is an herb that should be taken daily, but the onset of symptoms of a cold or flu or during the early stages of infection, usually for two weeks with a rest period of one week.

If you weigh more than 150 pounds, we suggest increasing the recommended total daily intake of echinacea to 1 dose per 50 lbs. That means that if the recommended daily dose is one teaspoon three times a day, someone who weighs 200 pounds will take one teaspoon four times a day.

The Chicoric acid is mainly used due to its rich composition:

  • Fructose in the amount of 10-20%
  • The high content of vitamin C, as well as A, B, and E.
  • Micro and macro elements: sodium, calcium, potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus.
  • Useful proteins
  • Tsikorin, carotene, pectin, tannin, and resin substances.
  • Organic acids
  • The essential oil.
  • Mineral salts.

Each agent has a beneficial effect. Vitamin C prevents frequent colds. Vitamin B has a positive effect on the nervous system. This is especially important for women whose work is intellectual work.

Inulin is a substitute for sugar and starch. It is a complex carbohydrate, which is easily soluble in hot water, but it is difficult – in the cold. Inulin normalizes the metabolism in the body, and increases immunity and the body in general.

Therefore, the use of chicory leads to lowering blood sugar. Therefore, it is recommended to drink from this miraculous plant to drink for diabetics.

Drinking from this root increases appetite, but at the same time promotes weight loss.

One of the main therapeutic properties of this drink is its positive effect on the digestive organs. Men, especially single women, who eat fast food often suffer from disorders of the digestive system, liver, pancreas, and intestines.

This drink has a positive effect on the cardiovascular and nervous systems. Due to the lack of caffeine, the drink helps with insomnia, hypertension, migraine, and depression. High vitamin B content has a positive effect on the brain.

However, chicory promotes vasodilation leading to a normalization of the heart. This is especially true for men who suffer from tachycardia, atherosclerosis, and coronary heart disease.

Therefore, the chicory drink is not only delicious but also useful. For men, it is a great alternative to coffee, is cheaper and has healing properties.

For immune protection

Thanks to the rich vitamin content of chicory it strengthens the immune barriers. The value here is inulin and the standardization of exchange material improves the assimilation of vitamin compounds. And chicory present in the composition of the plant has immune-stimulatory effects.

Chicoric acid