Dandelion root extracts or rhizome extracts are rich in bitter active ingredients, such as leaves that are eaten as a salad or prepared as a tisane. Its common name is “Lion’s Tooth”. The name dandelion already indicates diuretic properties.

It has been used as a healer and preventive for diseases for centuries. Today it is one of the most studied herbs in Western medical science. The following are some reasons to never remove them from your garden (rather collect them), and, instead of asking for a wish by flying your flowers to the wind, save them to make tea. Or maybe one in three can be used as a wish (as you are also spreading your seeds), the others as the best recipe to detoxify your body.

Dandelions are one of nature’s richest green vegetable sources of beta-carotene, from which vitamin A is created. It is harvested in spring, during which season it is rich in bitter substances and therefore, where its depurative virtues are marvelous. It contains more than fifty different assets. Dandelion root extracts stimulate the digestive organs, the liver, and the vesicle, and activate the kidneys and bladder, eliminating fluids and toxins.

Dandelion is a queen plant for detox, purifying, and general cleansing. It helps to regularize the acid-base balance, uric acid. Its positive action on the liver provides great services for the balance of cholesterol and triglycerides.

It also contributes to better joint mobility by eliminating toxins.

A fresh plant dandelion extract is made by macerating the most active parts of the freshly harvested plant, root, stem, leaves, flowers, or buds for 3 weeks in a mixture of water and alcohol to extract the principles assets. The fresh plant is much superior to the dried plant, which loses many active ingredients, volatile oils, fatty acids, vitamins, etc.

Alcohol and water dissolve the plant’s main active ingredients and alcohol also serves as a preservative. The quantity of alcohol ingested per catch will be minimal, once diluted, and the extraction is rich, this allows for obtaining a maximum concentration of specific active ingredients of this same plant.

Composition of dandelion root extracts

In the dandelion extract, there are many valuable active substances – vitamins, organic acids, fatty oils, and bitter glycosides – taraxacin and taraxacerin, choline, asparagine, rubber, and resins. The leaves of the plant also contain vitamin C, iron, phosphorus, calcium, as well as saponins.

Medical application of dandelion extracts:

  • with atherosclerosis,
  • with inflammatory processes in the liver and kidneys,
  • with cholelithiasis,
  • with cholecystitis and gastritis,
  • to improve appetite,
  • with edema, and joint diseases.
  • The general effect of dandelion on ingestion is toning and firming.

Cosmetic properties of the oil extract of dandelion root extracts:

  • Anti-aging component with moisturizing and wrinkle-smoothing properties, which provides a high degree of antioxidant protection;
  • Moisturizing asset;
  • Anti-inflammatory, relieves itching, and burning, and soothes the skin;
  • Whitens pigmentation gives a smooth tone to the skin;
  • A regenerating asset that actively promotes the healing of various injuries;
  • Promotes the restoration of the natural properties and functions of the skin, improving the skin;
  • Effective as an anti-acne and therapeutic anti-acne remedy;
  • Toning component for any skin;
  • Saturates with vitamins, nourishes with organic acids, and provides the skin with essential minerals;
  • Strengthens hair and eliminates the cross-section of hair tips;
  • Excellent nourishing, whitening, tightening, and smoothing ingredients in masque formulations;
  • Perfectly moisturizes the skin and regenerates as a part of the spray and creams after sunburn;
  • Used in cosmetics under the eyes, for sensitive decollete skin.

Buy dandelion extracts

Various online sites offer an assortment and various forms of the release of the most dandelion extract, medicinal herbs, fruits, flowers, and berries, which will help to create useful natural cosmetics both at home and in an industrial way. On the site, you can choose an ingredient that corresponds to the type of skin or hair and is released in an optimally convenient, for-use form – extracts, oils, concentrates, powders, powders, hydrolyzes, etc.

Dandelion root extracts