Pumpkin seeds can be very beneficial for a person`s health. They may be small but still have quite a lot of important nutrients, and minerals along with magnesium and zinc in them. Therefore, people only need to consume a small quantity of them to get the full benefits of it. It can prove pretty advantageous for people to help prevent cancer or related heart diseases.

Pumpkin Seed Extract can also be easily included in people`s diets. Mentioned below are some of the health benefits of consuming pumpkin seeds.

Rich in important nutrients

Pumpkin seeds are very rich in nutrients and are also known as pepita in Mexican Spanish. Pumpkin seeds come in two forms in the market, one being with a shell and the other without a shell and is flat and oval. Shell-free seeds are very rich in fat and protein, which is also the main reason behind their calories, around 151. The following are contained in an ounce of pumpkin seed extract.

  • Fiber- around 1.7 gm
  • Carbohydrates– 5 gm
  • Protein– 7 grams
  • Zinc– 14% in RDI
  • Fat– 13 grams

They also contain many antioxidants with a good amount of fatty acids, potassium, and vitamin b2 also is present. Pumpkin Seed Extract has several health benefits for a person`s heart and body.

Helpful in the reduction of risk for cancer

Pumpkin seed has also been very helpful in reducing the risk of cancer in people as long as it is taken in a proper fruit and plant-based diet. Studies show that diets with plenty of either pumpkin seed or pumpkin seed extract can help significantly reduce the risk of getting cancer in individuals. It can prevent cancer cells from forming in the stomach, breasts, lungs, or colon cancers.

Some studies even show that lignans are important in cancer from emerging in breasts. Consumption of pumpkin seeds in a person’s eating habits can also help reduce the spreading of cancer cells in an infected person.

Rich in magnesium

Among the very few natural sources of magnesium, pumpkin seed extract is one of them as it is rich in providing the body with magnesium. Unfortunately, this mineral is generally not present in many Western foods, thus lacking in Western people. As a result, around 80% of people in the US have a magnesium intake below the required level.

Magnesium is needed for many chemical reactions in a person`s body, such as regulating BP reducing the risk of disease in a person`s heart, and managing healthy bones in an individual`s body. Many studies have also proved that the magnesium in pumpkin seeds can decrease blood sugar levels significantly.

Improving the heart`s functioning

As mentioned earlier, pumpkin seeds are a rich source of antioxidants, fatty acids, magnesium, and zinc. These minerals can provide the heart with the strength to keep it healthy and function well. In addition, pumpkin seed extract can also help reduce a person`s blood pressure and decrease their cholesterol level, two of the most important factors to regulate for a heart`s better functioning.

According to a study among women, it is shown that pumpkin seeds can reduce BP along with cholesterol anywhere from 7% to 16% in both cases. However, other studies suggest that the seed’s capability can increase nitric oxide by accelerating its production in a person`s body. As a result, Nitric oxide can help expand a person`s blood vessels to increase blood flow and decrease the risk of growth of plaque in a person`s arteries.

Controlling sugar levels in the blood

Several animal studies have made it clear that pumpkin seed, Pumpkin Seed Extract, or even eating pumpkin directly can reduce an individual`s blood sugar level. This can prove extremely beneficial for people suffering from diabetes as they can reduce the amount of sugar in their blood. In addition, people suffering from type 2 diabetes can reduce their blood sugar levels by consuming either pumpkin seed supplements or seed extract.

The main reason behind the decrease in sugar level can be the rich amount of magnesium present in pumpkins. Consuming pumpkin seed extract or its supplements can reduce the sugar level by up to 33 % if consumed regularly in an adequate diet plan. However, even after some studies show these benefits, more research is needed to shed light on it properly.

Where to buy Pumpkin seed extract?

Qherb is a professional and leading supplier of plant extracts and APIs with more than 10 years of foreign trade experience. We focus on product quality and service throughout the process. If you need any plant extract products, welcome to consult them anytime!

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Pumpkin Seed Extract