Blueberries (Blueberry Extract) are common, also known as bilberry. It is a shrub with a dense spherical crown, reaching half a meter in height. The plant has upright stems, and shiny and smooth leaves up to three centimeters long. Shrub deciduous – with the onset of the first resistant cold, the leaves of the blueberry fall.

The flowers of the blueberry are white and located in the axils of the leaves one at a time. The period of flowering blueberries – from April to May. The fruits of blueberries – berries – ripen in the period from mid-July to September. The berries have a round shape with a bluish bloom and bright purple flesh with a lot of small seeds. The taste of blueberries is sour-sweet, depending on the degree of maturity and the place of growth. Juice of berries stains teeth and tongue in a characteristic blue-black hue.

Thanks to a complex of biologically active substances, the extract of blueberry has versatile healing properties and is widely used for the prevention and restoration of health.

Bilberry extract is used for eye diseases, gastrointestinal tract, diabetes mellitus, gerontology, cardiovascular diseases, eye diseases, and locally in the treatment of burns and ulcers, stomatitis, and gingivitis.

One of the most important properties of blueberry extract is its positive effect on the digestive system. Due to the high content of tannins, the extract has astringent and opposing action, regulating the digestive apparatus. When diarrhea manifests its astringent properties, and with constipation caused by intestinal atony, it has a laxative effect, facilitating the emptying of the intestine, is also useful in catarrhs of the stomach (especially with low acidity) and intestines. Therefore, the extract is used for gastritis, and enterocolitis, as well as for diarrhea, and constipation.

In addition, the blueberry extract has a bactericidal effect. The phytoncides contained in the blueberry extract are very effective in the treatment of dysentery bacillus, staphylococcus, diphtheria, and typhoid fever. Use blueberry extract for acute and chronic gastrointestinal disorders, especially in children.

Bilberry extract improves blood flow to the eyes, exacerbates night vision (twilight), promotes the renewal of retinal cells, and improves blood circulation. This is due to its beneficial effect on your eyesight. The use of blueberry extract is useful to everyone whose profession is associated with prolonged eye strain, as it enhances visual acuity and reduces eye fatigue because of prolonged work under artificial light.

Blueberries will relieve eye fatigue when reading, working with computers, and driving a car in the dark. It strengthens the action of other methods of treating eye diseases (drops, eye gymnastics, the use of synthetic drugs), and helps to increase the natural protection of eye tissues from destructive changes in the retina and lens.

Nowadays, blueberries are one of the most prevalent means of improving vision. This property of blueberry is due to the presence of antioxidants from the group of bioflavonoids. They contribute to the improvement of night vision, normalizing the state of cell membranes. Blueberry flavonoids make the retinal capillaries more durable and stimulate the regeneration of rhodopsin, the pigment of the eye, which perceives light with reduced illumination.

Bilberry extract is used for gout, rheumatism, and other diseases associated with metabolic disorders.

The use of blueberry extract is a good preventive tool for preventing heart disease. Due to elevated levels of antioxidants, the use of blueberries reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases. It is recommended to use bilberry extract as prophylaxis in the treatment of anemia, thrombosis, and myocardial infarction. Thanks to a special substance (anticoagulant), which is part of the blueberry, blood coagulability decreases.

As bilberry can be used as a rejuvenating agent, it acts on the vessels, strengthening them, improving memory, preventing infectious diseases, and even maintaining a normal weight.

As an antioxidant and angiopreventive agent, bilberry fruit extract is used for:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • hypertension, atherosclerosis;
  • varicose veins, thrombophlebitis.
  • The extract of blueberries is used in ophthalmology for such diseases and conditions as:
  • dystrophy and degeneration of the retina (can be used in combination with other drugs and as an independent tool);
  • diabetic angiopathy (for prevention of eye diseases), diabetic retinopathy, retinopathy of various origins;
  • diabetic cataract, forming cataract;
  • violation of twilight vision and mechanisms of visual adaptation in the dark;
  • increased, including light, loads on the visual apparatus (to protect the retina from solar, computer, and other types of radiation);
  • reduction of visual acuity, visual fatigue, eye strain, asthenia of the eye muscles;
  • myopia, hyperopia;
  • state after trauma and inflammatory diseases of the eyes, to accelerate healing after operations on the eyes;
  • age-related changes in eye structures associated with aging processes (destruction of the vitreous body, iris sub atrophy, etc.).

blueberry extract