What You Need to Know About Lycopene Powder

Have you ever heard about lycopene Powder? Do you know what it is? If you don’t, don’t worry, as this article is intended for you. Lycopene is a standard natural pigment that adds red to vegetables and fruits. Tomatoes are said to contain the highest percentage of pigment at approximately 80 percent. Lycopene is also a potent antioxidant needed by the body.

Unfamiliar Properties of Lycopene Powder

Some of the properties of lycopene are:

  • Lycopene is highly sensitive to sunlight.
  • Lycopene has a striking reddish-brown color in appearance.
  • It has a melting point ranging between 172 to 175 degrees Celsius.
  • Lycopene is soluble in benzene, hexane, oil, and chloroform.
  • Lycopene is an antioxidant.
  • The pigment is a powerful phytonutrient.
  • It is a carotenoid.
  • Lycopene is a soluble nutrient.
  • The dye can prevent DNA damage.

Common Lycopene Sources

Are you among those wondering where lycopene is obtained? Below is a list of some of the dietary sources of lycopene.

  • Gac aril
  • Grapefruit
  • Watermelon
  • Raw Tomatoes
  • Tomato juice
  • Papaya
  • Guava
  • Wolfberry
  • Red Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Canned tomatoes

Are there any Health Benefits of Lycopene Powder

Lycopene is an efficient antioxidant. The pigment helps to hinder body damage occasioned by free radical compounds. For body damage to remain as low as possible, free extreme levels must remain low too. Also, the pigment greatly hinders damage caused by herbicides, pesticides, and fungi.

Lycopene may also help to protect your eyesight. The pigment is highly useful in preventing the development of cataracts, which impair vision. This way, it impedes the risk of molecular degeneration, which has the potential to degenerate into blindness.

Lycopene strengthens human bones. This is because the pigment is a potent antioxidant that reduces the death of bone cells. Also, the coloring reinforces a perfect bone architecture making the bones stronger and healthier.

Lycopene is critical in the prevention of heart diseases in humans. This is made possible by the ability of lycopene to reduce damages caused by free radicals. As a result, it boosts  HDL cholesterol levels.

Lycopene is beneficial in the prevention of some types of cancer. The pigment hinders breast cancer growth in women as it prevents the growth of cancer tumors. Research proved that high lycopene consumption above 9 percent immensely reduces prostate cancer risk in men.

The pigments alleviate neuropathy disease. Lycopene has a reliable pain-inhibiting power, which lessens pain in neuropathy patients. Neuropathy is a severe medical condition triggered by nerve and soft body tissue damage. Studies have revealed that lycopene is a powerful antinociceptive. This property makes it have a therapeutic impact on neuropathy patients.

Lycopene guards against sunburns. This pigment has been proven to guard against the damaging effects of direct exposure to sunlight. In a three-month study, participants were exposed to ultraviolet rays before and after consuming a placebo or 16 milligrams of lycopene.

Misleading Myths About Lycopene Powder

Lycopene exposes the consumer to the risk of developing a cardio-related problem. This is inaccurate and misleading as lycopene is widely known to impede heart diseases. It reduces some of the damage done by free radicals. Additionally, it raises the recommended HDL cholesterol levels in human beings.

Lycopene impairs the consumer’s vision. Technically, lycopene hinders the development of cataracts in the eyes, which are prone to impair vision, especially in the elderly.

Increased lycopene intake weakens the bones as well as the muscles. Commonly, lycopene is acknowledged as a potent antioxidant that reduces the death of bone cells. Also, the pigment reinforces a perfect bone architecture making the bones stronger and healthier.

Important Warnings to Note

Lycopene should be consumed in small quantities by pregnant and lactating women. A study showed that consumption of a specific lycopene supplement in volumes like 3 milligrams between three months to five months of pregnancy might trigger premature infant birth. Pregnant women are thus advised to avoid lycopene-rich supplements during pregnancy.

Anyone due for an operation should cease consuming lycopene at least two weeks after surgery. This is because the pigment causes blood clotting. Blood clotting may result in over bleeding during surgery which could be highly fatal. For safety, patients should avoid Lycopene 14 days before the scheduled surgery.

Excessive consumption of lycopene causes severe skin discoloration. This condition is known as lycopenodermia.
