All posts by: PlantExtract

The power of Ginseng

April 18, 2018

Ginseng Roots Extract is a tonic, energizing, and adaptogen, useful against stress. What are its properties and contraindications? How and when to hire it? The ginseng (Panax ginseng) is a plant belonging to the family Araliaceae. Known for its adaptogenic and anti-stress properties, it is also used to treat diabetes mellitus, thanks to its hypoglycaemic qualities. Let’s […]

Kudzu, also known as Pueraria Mirifica is a plant, used in Chinese medicine for a variety of health promotion purposes. The flowers, leaves, and roots are used for their medicinal properties, and isoflavones in kudzu are the main compounds responsible for their beneficial effects. As with any supplement, talk to your doctor before taking puerarin-7-xyloside. […]

Taking Tribulus Terrestris saponins has remarkable effects in the treatment of sterility since it helps to improve the quality and increase the amount of sperm in man, at the same time as it is a stimulant of sexual desire and libido in women. Tribulus Terrestris, a pro-testosterone to increases fertility This plant, whose millenarian origin […]

Sodium hyaluronate is a fluid that works on the joints in our body. It behaves as a lubricant and shock absorber for our joints. It is used to treat knee pain caused by our osteoarthritis. This injection is usually given when we don’t get other arthritis medications that have not been effective. Information about sodium […]

An overview of Emodin

March 21, 2018

Where can we get Emodin? Emodin is a purgative resin that naturally exists in different plants. However, the Rhubarb plant (Rheum rhabarbarum) can extract the resin. This resin has several potential uses, and some of them include its use as a laxative and relieving the harmful effects of diabetes. Furthermore, Emodin is also partially used […]

It is evident that Astragalus root is a powerful and the most used plant used in order to cure various diseases in an effective way. The herb is known to have a lot of medicinal features and has been used in making different kinds of medicines on a regular basis. The herb is widely used […]

Allicin is one of the important components available in garlic, which helps people to enjoy various health benefits on a regular basis. It is necessary for people to understand different kinds of benefits of food products because it helps them to consume in a proper proportion from time to time. Allicin is known to have […]

Caffeine is one of the important and common components, which can be seen in general food items on a regular basis. It is necessary for people to understand the advantages of caffeine because it helps them o consume based on the condition and requirements in an easy way. It is important for every individual to […]

Triterpenes are known as bitter substances. It is called the active components that give us a bitter taste. These substances are also caused by the bitterness of the Cucurbitaceae family of plants, including marrows, pumpkin, cucumber, colocynth, and bronies. Triterpenes are available in many plants. It is called the most beneficial substance in plants, protecting […]

Sodium hyaluronate eye drops are also famous as ‘artificial tears.’ It can relieve eye soreness as well as dryness. It can soothe, moisten, and lubricate the surface of our eye, making it feel more comfortable. Many brand eye drops on the market contain sodium hyaluronate as an essential ingredient. You may be prescribed these drops […]